mi banners skrit


8 mar 2016

Ver publicidad con BTC Clicks


Este es el link de la pagina si me quieren ayudar un poquito con el referido.

A continuación le muestro esta Ptc de bitcoin, pagan muy bien tienes aproximadamente 25 publicidades diarias

  y cada una te paga entre 66 y 200 satoshi, a la hora de cobrar te depositan rápido

Estas imágenes son las principales que te vas a encontrar, cuando ves la publicidad después de 30 segundos resuelve la capcha y listo, tiene sistema de referidos  de contratar referidos. Este es el link


4 comentarios:

Blogger dijo...

Are you frustrated from searching for bitcoin faucets?
Double your claimed satoshis with this amazing BTC FAUCET ROTATOR.

Blogger dijo...

Would you like to get 30 bitcoin-related referrals every month, absolutely free?

Here's How To:

1. Claim 5,000 (up to 50,000) free satoshi per 24h from the MellowAds Faucet.

2. Start a 24 hours banner campaign (fix the budget using all of your collected satoshis) promoting a bitcoin referral page.

3. Upon the campaign's completion, re-claim and re-start.

Blogger dijo...

YoBit lets you to claim FREE COINS from over 100 unique crypto-currencies, you complete a captcha once and claim as many as coins you want from the available offers.

After you make about 20-30 claims, you complete the captcha and keep claiming.

You can press CLAIM as much as 30 times per one captcha.

The coins will safe in your account, and you can convert them to Bitcoins or any other currency you want.

Blogger dijo...

Easy multi-currency mining application & 1-click GUI miner.

Start mining effectively with your computer or smartphone.

Generate the most profit auto-mining coins with the highest rates.



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